Friday, July 31, 2009

First-Ever Book Giveaway at NNP!

I'm such a fan of the Stieg Larsson mystery novels The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo and The Girl Who Played With Fire that when AA Knopf contacted me to see if I'd be willing to host a giveaway for a hardback copy of the newly published English translation of The Girl Who Played With Fire, I said yes. Here's what you have to do if you want a chance to win:

• You must be 18 or older
• US and Canada residents only
• The winner will be posted here on August 28, 2009. (If you don’t want to miss the announcement post, sign up to follow this blog.)
• Leave your name and email address in the comments to enter. (If you win, I'll ask you for your mailing address.)
• I will randomly select a winner. There will be consolation prizes for a number of runners-up, as Knopf is also sending some temporary dragon tattoos (ooh, look like Lisbeth Salander for a day).


Amanda said...

Hi Jeanne - I've not read anything by Stieg Larsson but The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo is on my immediate TBR list. If you're giving away a different book of his, I might as well enter. :) My address is amandagignac[at]gmail[dot]com. Thanks!

FreshHell said...

Me! Me! Consider me officially entered. I am unfamiliar with this book or the author but I'll try anything. myfreshhell at hotmail dot com.

Karen said...

Ooh, ooh, Gimme!

I think you already have my email address, but the one I had at small local college will still reach me.

Betty (Beth) said...

I'd love to enter!

Beth Anderson


PAJ said...

A giveaway! You knew I couldn't resist, didn't you? Please enter me. You have my address.

Lori L said...

The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo is on my wish list because of your review. I'd love to win a copy of The Girl Who Played With Fire!

mel said...

Hi, I have his first book on my TBR list and would love to win this book-thanks

Jessica ( frellathon ) said...

I have so very much been wanting to read this. On my to be read list but with so many books it's hard to get to them all. Please count me in. jessica(at)fan(dot)com

-.- said...

Please enter me as well. I really enjoyed The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and would love to win this book.


~ Popin

Shawna L. said...

Shawna Lewis

You are the best I have wanted to read this. Thanks for the chance to win it. :o)
Shawna Lewis

Corey said...

Free book? I'm in. And good review of the Klaven piece. Think I'll avoid that one.

DarcyO said...

Larsson's books have been getting great reviews. Count me in!

dlodden at frontiernet dot net

Belle said...

I'd love to read The Girl Who Played with Fire! msbookishreviews *(at)* gmail(dot)com

Linna said...

I'd like to read this book. :D

MurderMysteryMayhem said...

Just finished reading The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and loved it! Our mystery book group is dicussing it next week and I would love to win Larsson's next.

Thanks for the chance.

LooseEnds AT Snet DOT Net

wheresmyrain said...

i devoured the first of this series, and cant wait to read this one. Looks so good. Thanks for the opportunity to win it.
wheremyrain at yahoo dot com

throuthehaze said...

count me in please!
throuthehaze at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Me, me! I think you have my address . . .

Sue said...

I'd love to win this! It looks so good. Thanks for the giveaway.

s.mickelson at gmail dot com

Marie said...

I would love to read this, it sounds great!

Anonymous said...

I would love to win this. Please enter my name. Thanks.
wandanamgreb (at) gmail (dot) com

SFP said...

I closed Dragon Tattoo at the end of the first chapter--too much finance, thank you very much--but your review make me think maybe I ought to give the book a second chance.

Anonymous said...

I would love to be entered in your draw.
wandanamgreb (at) gmail (dot) com

DG said...

thanks so much for the entry!


Hailey Miller said...

This sounds like an awesome book! Please enter me.


Anonymous said...

I have heard nothing but fantastic remarks about this author and his writing. I would love to win this book. Count me in.

bstilwell12 AT comcast DOT net

Jenny N. said...

Count me in. I would love to win this book.


Stacey B. said...

I would love to win this!


Carol W. said...

I'd love to read the new Stieg Larsson book. I really enjoyed The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.


standing2gether to live cleaner and cheaper said...

would enjoy reading this!
betty r
standing2gether at

M.A.D. said...

Mary D
zenrei57 (at) hotmail (dot) com

Hi there - please please PLEASE enter me to win and thank you so very much for the chance :)