Friday, May 6, 2011

Trivial Pursuit for Book-Lovers

Children's: What type of bird showed Mary Lennox where the rusty key to The Secret Garden was buried?

Classics: What novel sees ambulance driver Lt. Frederick Henry escaping execution by jumping into the Tagliamento River?

Non-Fiction:  What 20th-century trustbuster got the royal treatment in Edmund Morris' Theodore Rex?

Book Club: What Texas town did Woodrow Call and Augustus McCrae meet up in, before starting a cattle drive to Montana?

Authors: Who had already penned Player Piano by the time he became one of Saab's first U.S. dealers?

Book Bag: What comic included the classic stand-up routine "A Place for My Stuff" in his collection of cerebral scat called Braindroppings?


  1. Children's: Sparrow?

    Classics: A Farewell to Arms

    Book Club: Lonesome Dove

  2. Children's: A robin

    Classics: Sounds like Hemingway...A Farewell to Arms?

    Non-Fiction: Teddy Roosevelt?

    Book Club: Lonesome Dove

    Authors: No idea

    Book Bag: I don't know. Steven Wright?

  3. Children's -- a robin?

    Classics -- definitely Hemingway, probably A Farewell to Arms

    Book Bag -- I know this one! It's George Carlin!

  4. Children's: A raven?

    Classics: A Farewell to Arms

    Book Club: Lonesome Dove

  5. children's: robin
    Authors: Vonnegut
    Book Bag: George Carlin

  6. Children's: A robin
    Classics: A Farewell to Arms
    Non-Fiction: Theodore Roosevelt
    Book Club: ?
    Authors: Vonnegut. I didn't know about the Saab thing. His family owned the property down the street from us when we lived in Indy. I think it's still known as Vonnegut's Woods.
    Book Bag: George Carlin!

  7. Childrens: A robin
    Classics: I HATE HEMINGWAY
    Book Club: No idea
    Authors: Kurt Vonnegut
    Book Bag: George Carlin

  8. In a funny coincidence, we watched a George Carlin tribute on PBS last night and they showed the "A Place for My Stuff" sketch.

  9. Children's: A robin
    Classics: A Farewell to Arms
    Non-Fiction: Theodore Roosevelt
    Book Club: Lonesome Dove
    Authors: Kurt Vonnegut Jr
    Book Bag: George Carlin

    Well done, everybody! I'm glad to know we have some Carlin fans here!

    And Mumsy, I'll tell you what I told my kids about saying they "hated" different foods--we should say we hate evil and merely dislike other stuff.


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