Friday, April 23, 2010

Trivial Pursuit for Book-Lovers

Children's: What pen name did Marijane Meaker adopt for the books Deliver Us from Evie, Dinky Hocker Shoots Smack! and Shoebag?

Classics: What Chekhov play centers on unfulfilled siblings named Olga, Masha and Irina?

Non-Fiction: What illustrated David Macaulay book depicts the maze of support systems beneath a modern city?

Book Club: What novel by Marianne Wiggins finds an amateur chemist from Kitty Hawk falling for a glassblower's daughter?

Authors: What author of Rubyfruit Jungle warned "Next time anyone calls me a lesbian writer I'm going to knock their teeth in"?

Book Bag: What 1996 best-selling novel began as a newspaper column for Britain's Independent?


  1. Classics: Three Sisters
    Authors: Rita Mae Brown
    Book Bag: Bridgit Jones' Diary? (guessing on this one)

    "Dinky Hocker" is making me nuts at the moment - I remember reading it as a kid, but cannot recall the author.

  2. Non-fiction: Underground.

    There was a Chekhov film festival here a week or so ago and I cannot believe I missed every single film. Next year I will not miss anything.

  3. The last has to be Bridget Jones' Diary, but I don't know any of the others.

  4. I'm not looking at other comments so I can play long, so forgive the repeats.

    Children's: M.E. Kerr. I've never read her books, but I know of her through her association with Louise Fitzhugh

    Classics: Three Sisters

    Non-Fiction: Underground -- love this one. Love all Macaulay, actually.

    Book Club: ??? Isn't she the one who used to be married to Rushdie?

    Authors: Rita Mae Brown

    Book Bag: Bridget Jones, I think.

  5. Harriet, yes she did use to be married to Rushdie.

  6. Children's: M.E. Kerr
    Classics: Three Sisters
    Non-Fiction: Underground
    Book Club: Evidence of Things Unseen
    Authors: Rita Mae Brown
    Book Bag: Bridget Jones' Diary

    As a group (especially with Harriet's help), we got all but one, the Wiggins novel.

  7. The only one I knew was authors, but other people already answered it.

  8. Kathy, We're all just showing off, anyway. I should probably offer prizes for the first answer in each category some Friday in the future. That might add some interest to the game.


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