Friday, January 29, 2010

Trivial Pursuit for Book-Lovers

Children's: What story finds Harold the dog and Chester the cat wondering whether the new bunny in the house is a vampire?

Classics: What E.M. Forster novel depicts the battles of the Schlegels and the Wilcoxes over a country house?

Non-Fiction: What Simon Winchester book traces the scientific consequences of obscure geologist William Smith's 1815 sketch of subterranean strata?

Book Club: What novel by Christina Schwarz slowly unravels how little Ruthie's mother mysteriously drowned?

Authors: What author of How to be Good did The New Yorker describe as the "maestro of the male confessional"?

Book Bag: What novel by Gigi Levangie Grazer tells of privileged Clarissa's quest to snap up a hubby?

Some of these are hard ones--how many do you know? Put your guesses in the comments!


  1. Bunnicula
    Howard's End
    For the last 4: pfft--who knows? Not I!

  2. Childrens': Bunnicula

    Classics" Howards End

    Non-Fiction: I would have guessed Crack in the Earth, but my sleuthing (cheating) reveals that it must be The Map that Changed the World

    Book Club: ?

    Authors: Nick Hornby!

    Bookbag: ?

    50% -- getting better!

  3. Children's: Bunnicula

    Classics: Howard's End

    Non-Fiction: ?

    Book Club: Drowning Ruth

    Authors: Nick Hornby

    Book Bag: ?

    Great questions this week!

  4. Children's: Bunnicula. I just read this for the first time. AJ's reading it at school.

    Classics: Howard's End. I love Forster.

    Non-Fiction: The Map that Changed the World. I've been dying to read this one.

    Book Club: ?

    Authors: Nick Hornby

    Book Bag: ?

  5. Because it's the only bit of chicklit I can name offhand, I'm gonna go with The Starter Wife for Bookbag.

  6. Children's: Bunnicula
    Classics: Howard's End
    Nonfiction: The Map that Changed the World
    Authors: Nick Hornby

    That's all I got!

  7. 1. Bunnicula
    2. Howard's End
    4. A Map of the World?
    5. Nick Hornsby?

  8. Children's: Bunnicula
    Classics: Howards End
    Non-Fiction: The Map That Changed the World
    Book Club: Drowning Ruth
    Authors: Nick Hornby
    Book Bag: Maneater

    So none of us read enough chicklit to get that last one, and Avid Reader is the only one (besides me) who's read Drowning Ruth.

    Readersguide, should there be a penalty for (looking it up) cheating?


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