Sunday, January 31, 2010

Top Ten Chapter Books

Fuse #8 is conducting a poll on the top 100 children's fiction chapter books, and has been inviting folks to submit their ten top choices (I came upon this by way of Tortoise Lessons). The deadline is today, so hurry over if you want to submit your own choices. Here are mine, chosen because these are the books I have read over and over again:

Charlotte's Web, White
Harriet the Spy, Fitzhugh
Apple Bough, Streatfeild
Harry Potter, Rowling
The Hobbit, Tolkein
Summerland, Chabon
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Lewis
The Black Cauldron, Alexander
From the Mixed-up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler, Konigsberg
The Secret Garden, Burnett


  1. LWW, The Hobbit, and Harriet were all very nearly on my was really hard to get down to 10. And, you have a Streatfeild novel I don't know--I need to find that one because I love her work!

  2. I thought of this as 10 books in 10 minutes so as not to get tangled up in too many hard choices!

    Apple Bough is standard Streatfeild in some ways, but it's about an English family missing England, which fascinated me as an American child.

  3. All really good books. I'll second Harriet the Spy and From the Mixed-up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler -- I've read both of those books quite a few times myself :)

  4. Ask me again tomorrow and my answer might be different, but here are my top ten of the moment:

    E.B. White: Charlotte’s Web
    Meindert de Jong: The Wheel on the School
    Louise Fitzhugh: Harriet the Spy
    E. L. Konigsberg: A Proud Taste for Scarlet and Miniver
    C. S. Lewis: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
    Dodie Smith: 101 Dalmations
    P.L. Travers: Mary Poppins
    Frances Hodgson Burnett: A Little Princess
    Rumer Godden: Miss Happiness and Miss Flower
    J.K. Rowling: Harry Potter series

  5. The Black Cauldron would make my list too!

  6. We've read eight on your list - need to find Summerland at the library

  7. Harriet, I had never heard of Rumer Godden, but when I looked her up I found she's one of "England's most beloved authors." Learned something new today!

  8. I haven't read all of those, but agree with you on the ones I have. Charlotte's Web should totally be at the top of that list!

  9. Oh dear --
    I'm at a disadvantage, because my kids are grown, and now I can't remember what we read. But these are actually more my favorites than theirs.

    Charlotte's Web
    Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
    Harry Potter
    A Little Princess
    Mixed up Files
    Harriet the Spy
    The Moffats
    Ramona the Pest
    Charlie and the Chocolate factory
    The Saturdays -- Elizabeth Enright.

  10. Glad to see Summerland on there! I always read that book when it's not quite baseball season and I'm really aching for it to start up. :-)

  11. Eeek. I've only read 3 of these.


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