Monday, December 7, 2009

The Children Star contest

I reviewed The Children Star by Joan Slonczewski earlier this fall, and today a new edition is available at Amazon. The author is offering a chance at a prize--a signed first edition of A Door Into Ocean (winner of the John Campbell award in 1986)--to anyone who buys this new edition of The Children Star. If you want a chance at this prize, tell me you've bought The Children Star and leave your email address in the comments.

The new cover art is by Nathan Silver:


  1. I would so do this if our current situation were different--mostly to support good sci fi writing :-)

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. I'd love to enter this giveaway, but too bad I don't have a paypal account = no online shopping.

    aikychien at yahoo dot com

  4. I finally bought the book! I just emailed you. Thanks again!

  5. The contest ends with February 2010.

  6. Avisannschild has won the signed first edition!


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