Monday, May 4, 2009

Commenting is the best award

Thank you to Luanne at A Bookworm's World for the commenter award displayed below.

I've been trying to comment more on other book blogs, because I know how much I appreciate the comments I get here. In fact, when I visited Kittling Books recently, Cathy pointed me in the direction of this post at Farm Lane Books about whether book bloggers should display these awards or not, and I left a comment there saying that I think linking to other peoples' posts can be just as good as giving them an award. Because linking to them might mean they get more comments...and a response is the ultimate reward.

I'll pass this on to some folks who also blog, my most frequent commenters of late: Alison, Freshhell, Harriet, Dreamybee, and Lemming. But I send my grateful regards to everyone who has ever commented here and ask for more. I don't care whether you've read the book. You can tell me my opinions are stupid if you'll tell me why you think so. You can request a certain kind of poem; I've proved that I do take requests. Think of it like that old graffiti: Kilroy was here.


  1. Thanks! I'll try to be better. I meant to comment on your post about nebulizers (we still have ours since Red still seems to need it at least once every winter) but often can't access Blogger posts from google reader. I get "does not exist" errors. Odd, that. Anyway, even when I'm not commenting, I'm reading.

  2. Thank you for linking to my post! I love it when people do that - as you say it is as good as an award!

  3. Congratulations on the award, and thanks for the link love!

  4. I'm commenting!
    I'm in the middel of Lorrie Moore's Birds of America, and trying to decided if I like it or not. This is especially hard because someone I know loves it and one person I know hates it. I think I started out hating it, but have now come to, maybe, like it. I'm still thinking.
    Anyway, aren't you glad I commented?

  5. Oh, and that IS a nice award --

  6. Aw, thank you all for your comments.

    Readersguide, I AM glad you commented. I managed to get through what turned out to be one of my favorite books of last year only with lots of whining to another book blogger about how slow it was to start. She kept telling me to keep reading. But it was nice to have someone to go back and forth with about it.

  7. Thanks so much! I'm trying to improve my comment-leaving activity. I will try to post about this tomorrow.

  8. Well deserved jeanne. Your comments are thoughtful and insightful. I need to get around more and comment more too, but life is throwing me some curves and time/energy is somewhat limited lately. I do appreciate your comments very much!


You can still comment here, even though this blog is not ongoing.